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10 Tips for Women Traveling to Islamic Countries 

Travelling to an Islamic country opens up opportunities to learn about a different culture and experience some of the finest hospitality in the world. These countries are full of history, art and culinary treasures that make them ideal for a vacation. Women have often been discouraged from visiting these countries due to stories of hassling and instability. With some preparation, it is easy for women to plan a visit.

1. Make a plan and go.

Islamic countries suffer from a reputation of instability, terrorism and poor human rights. True, it is vital to read and heed the advice of government departments before travel. Do make a plan to go, and look beyond the news to the culture and history of the region. You’ll find the people are among the most welcoming that you’ll encounter whilst travelling.

2. Pack carefully. 

Aside from travelling light, you will need to respect the dress code, especially when travelling as a woman. Some countries are more conservative than others so you will need long trousers and skirts, and long sleeve tops. Some countries only allow shorts and t-shirts on beaches. It is vital to read up on the clothing etiquette before you go so you have the correct attire to travel in. 

3. Learn to fix a scarf. 

Many Islamic countries require women to wear a headscarf in religious buildings. Others such as Iran, require it the entire time apart from when you are in your hotel room. To avoid a bad scarf day, make sure you have a fabric with some friction such as cotton, and take some clips to fix it. Do also learn to tie a scarf properly by watching YouTube before you go. 

4. Be polite and firm if approached by men or children.

Particularly those offering to be guides. If they persist walk into a shop or approach some women and ask for help. Do be aware that sometimes people are so pleased to see tourists they simply want to practice their English. 

5. When visiting mosques ensure your arms are covered and you have a headscarf.

You will also need a longer length skirt or dress or trousers. Shoes are removed when entering. Avoid prayer times which happen five times a day as you will not be able to enter as a non-Moslem.

6. Always be aware of your surroundings. 

Don’t just rely on Google when navigating streets. Look for landmarks so you can find your way back. Be aware that a busy market looks very different once closed so focus on permanent structures when working out where you are going. Always carry the name and phone number of the hotel where you are staying as this will help if you get lost. Some countries can be volatile and the political situation can change quickly. Be sure to tune into the news so you can monitor and be aware of changes.

7. Learn the language. 

If you only learn one word, make sure it is thank you. This will show people that you made an effort to be able to communicate. Many women in Islamic countries do not speak English and avoid conversation with Western visitors. By knowing a few words of Arabic, you will at least be able to communicate.

8. Read before you go. 

To get the most out of travelling to Islamic countries, do some reading and research before you go. This will give you an insight into women’s rights, literature, and the political situation. You may find this information is not available within the country or certain books may be prohibited.

9. Find a Hammam. 

These are the public baths and are a unique way to meet other women. Many hotels also have a Hammam which is focused on tourists. if you want to find a good local Hammam, ask the hotel for a recommendation. They will also advise when the ladies only day is and what you need to take with you.

10. Respect the law of the country. 

Whatever you think of the law of the country you are visiting it is important to respect and abide by it when travelling. If you don’t then not only can you get into trouble but you can also endanger local people or guides. For example, in Saudi Arabia, it is unlawful for a woman to walk down the street unaccompanied. Be aware of these laws before you travel and you’ll experience a positive visit.

There are many countries where Islam underpins the culture. By taking steps to research and plan a journey, you will discover a world beyond the news and a warm welcome from locals.